Monday, May 21, 2012

How Can You

How could anyone possibly bully someone and then say they love them? The answer to this is very, very simple.  There is no way to love or to be loved by a bully.  It makes no difference how or why the bully practices her craft, she who bullies is not capable of loving anyone except herself.

So why would my child continue to stay in a relationship where bullying is norm?

Without Demands

True love should have no demands, such as is the case with my child.  If you truly love someone and they truly return your gift there should be no reason to make demands, control, bully, threaten or bully your love.  Did I bully twice?  Maybe because it is the most telling word in any relationship.

 How can you.........

No So For My Child

One of the most important lessons a person should pass onto their children is how to love and be loved.  More importantly when to recognize that the person we love is not truly returning the gift that is being shared, love.

Everyone on earth deserves to go through life being genuinely loved.  We are first loved by our parents, grandparents and eventually siblings.  But as we reach adulthood we go in search of that one special person with whom we hope to share a very special kind of love.  This love needs to be given and returned freely.

Without demands......

In Keeping

In keeping with my last post I need to add, yes need rather than simply add, my frustrations with my child's romance situation or lack thereof.

For me life without true romance is not worth living.  It is what drives me each and every day, you know the little things we do for the one who is the romance in our lives.  Maybe it's the little extra sweet I toss in his lunch bag, the dinner I have planned for the evening or just the time waiting for him to get home from work.  It's never ever about money or heaping material possessions on me or spoiling me on special events such as birthdays.  It's those shared quiet moments and just knowing we love each other that is the romance.

Not so for my child......